Vincentian Presbytery
Vincentian Presbytery: Completed
March 2024
Work at the Vincentian Presbytery has completed on site, crafting a new home for the Vincentian Fathers in Barnet.
See the project
Matthew Lloyd Architects Vincentenian Presbytery External 03
Matthew Lloyd Architects Vincentian Presbytery Oratory Internal
Matthew Lloyd Architects Vincentenian Presbytery Overview
August 2023
Work is proceeding at pace on site and as August draws to a close we were excited to begin to see the Oratory space revealed for the first time, as the roof structures near completion.
Matthew Lloyd Architects Vincentian Presbytery Construction August 03
Matthew Lloyd Architects Vincentian Presbytery Construction August 02
Matthew Lloyd Architects Vincentian Presbytery Construction August 01
January 2023
A visit to the workshop of Renaissance Cast Stone, who we are working with to produce the bespoke cast stone elements for the Vincentian Presbytery.
Matthew Lloyd Architects Vincentian Presbytery Construction January 01